The Dynauthor WordPress plugin (Dynamic Author, but for dinosaur fans) amends the standard WordPress author list on the add/edit posts page to allow dynamic filtering of the authors using JQuery.
Why would you want to do this you may ask? The plugin was created for websites which rely a lot on user submitted content, and have a large number of authors. When the website admins and editors add the content, and need to change the author to the relevant user, a lengthy list can be difficult to navigate. The Dynauthor plugin turns the usual dropdown list of authors into a dynamic search box, which displays the authors in real time as you type.
We have tested this plugin on a website with thousands of authors, and it saves a lot of time when adding posts and looking for the correct author.
== Description ==
The Dynauthor plugin replaces the standard dropdown list selection method for authors with a search box, as the user begins the type a list appears of the authors matching that criteria. The list will update with each new character typed.
This is designed for sites with a large selection of authors.
== Installation ==
1. Upload `dynauthor` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
1. Ensure you have Author checked in the ‘Screen Options’ panel of your post page.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I select the author when I can see it in the list?
Simply click the author, it will become bold and will fill in the field with that value, then make sure you publish/update your post.
= Do I have to start with the first letters of the authors name? =
No, the plugin will search any part of the authors name, for instance, to find ‘steven’, you could start to type ‘even’ and it will appear in the list of potential matches
== Screenshots ==
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* n/a